t is mandatory to link the consent templates that you have registered with the content templates.

There are 2 types of content templates that need to have consent templates mapped. These are:

  1. Promotional Messages
  2. Service Explicit Messages

To do this linking, you will first need to have a consent template that is already registered and approved. In case you don't, follow the steps in our Consent Registration Guide now.

Follow the easy steps below to link your consent template to the new content templates that you create.

  1. Login to Jio’s Portal as Principal Entity using your user credentials
  2. On the main page that loads, find the tab "Template".  Click on it to expand the menu, and click on "Content Template Registration"
  3. When the page loads, you may opt for the type of communication as either "Promotional" or "Service - Explicit" which will then prompt for you to select a consent template in the "Select Consent Template" menu. 
  4. Once done, click on "Save"

This will create a Content Template with a linked Consent Template attached to it.